October 3, 2023

EmPath For Autism is Proud to Present Their First Ever Fundraiser, Circus Bizircus.

What: Circus Bizircus is quickly becoming known as THE BEST PARTY YOU HAVEN’T BEEN TO YET, but in reality, it’s so much more. YES, this evening will offer a premium level of drinks, live entertainment, beautiful colors, and an electric atmosphere, unlike any other party. But that’s where it starts, not where it ends. Circus Bizircus is a spectacle that will be split into four acts, each act will allow you to immerse yourself deeper into this Circus-inspired, Bizirucs event. The Emcee will be lead-singer of the Menus, and Cincinnati friend, Tim Goldrainer. DJ entertainment will be handled by the one-and-only Etrayn, and the production is powered by the creative geniuses at Brave Berlin.

“This is no longer JUST a party, it’s a spectacle.”
- Steve McGowen, Brave Berlin

“I’ve been in the entertainment business for 40 years;
I’ve never seen anything this awesome.”
Tim Goldrainer, Menus lead singer

Practical information
When: Friday, November 17th 2023
Capacity: 350 guests (many already spoken for)
Where: The Transept - 1205 Elm St, Cincinnati, OH 45202
Time: 8:00 pm – 12:00 am
Tickets: $200-$250 per person (open bar). Tickets are on sale HERE.

Live Entertainment, DJ, Emcee, Live Auction, Silent Auction, Food, Drink, Dance

Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to invite you to Circus Bizircus; THE BEST PARTY YOU HAVEN’T BEEN TO YET! This event is hosted by the us, the Empath Foundation. We are a Cincinnati-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that exists to give support to local families impacted by Autism. The EmPath Foundation has pledged the proceeds from Circus Bizircus to The Kelly O'Leary Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders at Cincinnati Children’s!


Charlie Watson


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