Our Mission
EmPath for Autism is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization that was created as resource for children and families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
We will empower the individuals through early detection, early intervention, ongoing support, and positive awareness to ensure a life well-lived while instilling the confidence to prevail.
JagSwag Sweatshirt
Submit your child’s artwork for a chance to have their design featured on a limiited-edition, custom JagSwag Sweatshirt!
Who We Are
Our son, Jagger Ford, was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder in February, 2021. At the time of diagnosis, it was a whirlwind of terms, specialists, therapies, hospitals, figuring out insurance coverage, etc.… It can all be so overwhelming. Once the dust began to settle and we did our research, we were able to decide on which therapies were best for him according to Jagger’s individual needs. It wasn’t always so easy, though. Jagger had just turned four and we had been searching for schools to enroll him in, several of which turned us away once we disclosed his diagnosis. We also noticed that while there was no lack of doctors or terminology, there was a void of local and personal support outside of the walls of medicine to help navigate our newfound life with Autism.
Although we had our fair share of obstacles, our family considers Jagger a huge success story within his personal journey. He’s graduated from his therapies, cultivated many friendships, engages and excels in sports and music, and continues to work on his emotional well-being.
Since Jagger’s diagnosis, we have made it our mission to break the negative stigma that follows Autism and those it affects. By creating EmPath for Autism, our goal is to provide a network of hope and support necessary for your child and their community to achieve the same success!
Leslie Williams,
EmPath Board President

We’re Raising Real Funds, With Fun
How We Help
The EmPath Family believes in giving back and creating a better community for future generations with a focus in ASD. In past years, we’ve hosted events to bring awareness to our guests by providing “Jag Swag” and asking for donations in return. The donations that we collected were presented to other ASD organizations that we have researched, know and trust. Now, by creating EmPath for Autism and hosting our first ever, “Circus Bizircus” event on November 17, 2023, our goal is to raise money for children and families in need of additional resources to provide crucial therapies in the early intervention of Autism. The money that we raise through the Circus Bizircus initiative will be allocated through the previously mentioned ASD organizations and directly to Cincinnati-based families in need. With your help and support we hope to keep the ball rolling and impact the lives of as many families as possible! The journey starts NOW!